” In school I had a couple of friends, but it was very difficult because their parents didn’t like them hanging out with a Gypsy kid, so they would tell them not to hang around with me and we always had to sneak around to be able to go out and play football and do things together. It’s quite hard as a little kid. “
Oakley interviews Toby Gorniak
Toby is a Polish Roma Gypsy, whose family moved to England when he was a teenager due to persecution in Poland. Toby is now a professional hip-hop dancer.
List of questions, with timings
0 sec. Did you do your first back flip on the trampoline or the ground?
On the ground, on grass, in the park
10 sec. Can you do any front flips?
I can do them, but I don’t like them.
22 sec. Can you land front flips?
Yes, but I don’t enjoy them.
44 sec. How old were you when you can to England?
I was just turned 14.
55 sec. How old was your brother when you did a back flip
He was 10, I was 11.
1min 5 sec. Did you get on with your brother?
Really good, family is really important to us.
1 min 10 sec. Where did you grow up?
Poland, Bielsko-Biala near Krakow
1 min 22sec. Did any of the people in school like you?
I had a couple of friends, but it was very difficult because their parents didn’t like them hanging out with a Gypsy kid, so we had to sneak around to play football.
1 min 46 sec. What school did you go to?
Lipton community college?
1 min 57 sec Did you have many friends?
Not to start with. I came from a different place and I didn’t speak any English. I only spoke German, Romany and Polish, so my first friends were those who spoke German. Now I speak 6 language.
2min 32 sec. When did you go to Germany?
I went when I was 4 years old. We lived there for 2 or 3 years, then moved back to Poland.
2min 56 sec. How old were you when you learned English?
I was 14, when I came to England. It took me 3 months to learn the basics so I could communication. and another 3 months to become fluent.
3 min 13 sec. Why did you stay in England?
I fell in love with Plymouth, it’s quite slow and chilled. You get racism everywhere, but it’s something I can cope with. I am building a community and good friendships. It is like home.
3 min 46sec. Did anyone bully you when you were 14?
Yes, many people called me names, wanted to fight, bully me, picked on me it was a daily thing. But I knew I couldn’t get into trouble as it would cause my mum trouble. So I tried my best to get out of trouble.