What’s your favourite food? “When I was very little, Hedgehogs. But then I read Mrs Tiddlewinkle and I went right off it… I do like a good curry, and I still like a Joey Gray, I make one every week. “
Charley Richards interviews Pat Hutchins
Charley asks Pat about food and cooking. She also talks about playing and traditional clothes.
List of Questions
1 sec What was it like being a Gypsy in the olden days?
Wonderful, we had a lot of freedom as long was we stuck to our parent’s rules.
21 sec What food did you eat?
Joey Gray , Hedgehog
28 sec How did you cook the Hedgehog?
Pack him with clay or wet mud and cook him under the embers of the fire, then peel him like you would a boiled egg.
1min 8 sec What was the most popular food back then?
Joey Gray, it is quick, easy and tasty. Then again, during pheasant season we had a lot of them.
1min 22sec What did you wear?
Long clothes. I wasn’t allowed to wear skirts that showed more than my ankles, and trousers had to be baggy.
1min 35 sec Where did you used to play?
Anywhere and everywhere! We were always on a farm.
1min 53 sec Did you ever play on a train line?
No, there weren’t any where we lived!
I used to play in the pools at the brick works.
2min 14 sec Who taught you how to cook?
My mum and grannie.
At 5 I had to help with the cooking.
2min 35sec What’s your favourite food?
When I was very little, Hedgehog. But then I read Mrs Tiddlewinkle and I went right off it!
I like a good curry, and I still like a Joey Gray, I make one every week.