” We wasn’t allowed to wear revealing clothes… If you didn’t respect yourselves and cover up, then how could you expect, say, a young man to respect you. “
Gypsy lady interviews and Elizabeth Issacs
An English Gypsy interviews Elizabeth Issacs, about the clothes she wore when she was young, and her views on the current fashions.
List of Questions
What did you wear when you were younger?
I was born in 1970, and I was teenager in the 1980s. Fashion was different then, I wasn’t allowed to wear any revealing clothes. I did like the fashion, big shoulder pads and frilly waists, but I wouldn’t like to be a teenager today. We were brought up strict and were told we had to respect ourselves and cover up. If you didn’t respect yourselves and cover up, then how could we expect, say, a young man to respect you.